Saturday, November 12, 2011

Happy Veterans Day!

Sorry a day late! My schedule is so nutty these days... I wrote this yesterday but didn't post! =(
Dear Brave Soldier,
Thank you so much for fighting for me. Thank you for putting your life on the line. Thank you for giving SO MUCH. The greatest gift. The biggest sacrifice. A gift. A gift for each and every American. You haven't been given enough "thank-yous." You haven't heard "I love you" enough. You aren't given enough hugs. You soldier, are so special. SO LOVED! I am appreciative. I am so grateful for you. What you have given has been noticed. I really hope you can know and believe this with your whole heart.

I send you love, a million hearts overflowing. In your darkest hour, on your loneliest day - I pray for your comfort. I pray for your safety. I pray for your peace. I pray for a million angels to surround and protect you by the most beautiful gold light! A light that shines out into the universe. A protection that will keep you safe, protection from the enemy, protection from negativity, protection from anything that would or could ever harm you.

Sending all my love to soldiers all over the world serving and remembering those who have served!

My Husband in Iraq! <3
My heart explodes with love, and joy and happiness as I think about the the letters, and phone conversations I shared with husband while he was in Iraq 5 years ago.
He's a pretty amazing man. He served as a medic, and also worked at the hospital in Balad while he was there for 22 months. It makes me realize how thankful we are that we aren't in those dark roller coaster days of missions and letters, prayers and sleepless nights.
We appreciate so much. We are so grateful.
For so many things.

So many give the ultimate sacrifice, and for the families who have lost - my heart goes out to you. May you be surrounded, and supported and wrapped in light today as you remember your loved ones.

For so, so many the war does not end when the war ends, it doesn't end when they arrive on American soil, it doesn't even end when they are done serving. It's a battle that will last a lifetime. I now understand the saying...


Thank you from the bottom of my heart to every soldier who has EVER served.
You are remembered.
Not just today.
But every day.
You are AMAZING!


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