For 2011 I picked a word... a word to REALLY focus on.
One word that would encompass everything I wanted to bring into 2011.
My word for 2011 was: Shine!
I love the word so much I think it could be my one word motto for life!
Last year I wanted to turn the light on inside myself and Shine my light into this world.
And I did!
Picking one word for the year helped me accomplish these 11 things in 2011!
1. I started this blog (which I never thought I would/could do!)
2. I found the goddess circle - an online tribe of sisters!
3. I started meditating for the first time ever = Happy more centered Natalie!
4. I left my cubical job that wasn't aligned with my dreams!
5. I started creating art like crazy!
6. I participated in an art show!
9. I let the true me I had lost (after buy a foreclosure, planning a wedding/fixing up our house) shine through!
10. I found a volunteer position where I help teens through art!
11. Took a trip to Ely with my 2 loves, which is one of my favorite places in Minnesota that I hadn't been to in 10 years!
These were just a few highlights =) There was so much more - but 2011 rocked!
So what didn't come true on my dream list?
What word needs to be invited into my heart for this year?
What do I want to bring into my life?
What is calling me?
Where do I want to go?
These are things you need to write down.
I LOVE the goddess 2012 Planner! It is amazing, and really important to plan out your year with goals and reflect on the last year for what hasn't worked and what did! It is beautifully illustrated and so inspiring.
After working on a few pages, my word came to me.
So often in life we coast.
I don't want to coast this year.
I want to SOAR.
I want to seek inspiration daily, seek more opportunities to share my art, seek more books, seek more places and opportunities to give, seek new destinations to visit, seek a deeper faith, seek for a stronger relationship with my husband.
Work. Reach. Push.
Just do it. Go Bravely. Go bold. GO.
I just really want to push myself... to seek out the dreams and things I want to accomplish.
Don't let days or weeks go by, don't be comfortable.
I think we are all seekers in this world. But for me the word means pushing myself to find those dreams and manifest them. In 2011, the dreams were found again, 2012 will be about seeking opportunities and riding the crazy wild donkey to get the dreams done.
I really encourage YOU to think about picking one word. I will change you - for the best!
I created this little painting that sits at my desk that I can look at all day to remind me of my dreams!
Start Dreaming!
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