Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday's Bliss List

What's the Bliss List?!? Over at Liv's blog she celebrates the positive and I'm all about that! When we celebrate the good... more good comes! Being on the frequency of joy brings more JOY!
Yea to joy....

What a week I have had! Two days ago I started taking care of this guy!

While my bother looks for a new place, Mogley will be staying at our house!
I LOVE dogs, really if I could I would have 10 of them. But I can't, because well that would be insane and overwhelming, and I'd be... the crazy dog lady. Mogley is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO super hyper. Nothing like my chilled out golden. So I was a little overwhelmed this week- but thanks to the Radiant Goddess
e-course I am surviving a little bit of chaos and feeling awesome today!

So instead of choosing to focus on the negative I am focusing on a few of the positives for the week!

1. Thankful for my sweet and gentle giant who is perfect for me (Gift from God - wow!) literally both photos taken within the same minute...

2. Getting to celebrate my brother's 21st birthday with him last night! Makes me feel old.
3. Meditation - meditated daily has REALLY been awesome this week! 
4. Seeing the Monarch's every where! They POPPED out a couple of days ago and they make me so happy every time I see them.
5. The most kind and giving mother - who just never stops GIVING. Gives all the time. LOTS OF LOVE. Gives everything, to everyone.
6. Thankful for the weekend ahead - lots of fun stuff planned for mothers day!
7. The amazing Goddess Circle
Hope you all have an amazing weekend! Happy Mother's day!


  1. I clicked the link from Liv Lane's bliss list, and am cheered to see you're in Goddess Circle, too!

    So inspiring to hear you've kept your calm amidst the high energy surroundings.

    Happy Mothers Day :)
    Love Meg x o

  2. I love your post! I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have the mother I have and then I see you are equally blessed:)
