Sunday, June 17, 2012

Throwing paint and learning to LET GO!

I am creating a new me, birthing the artist that has been there inside me my entire life.
I was born this way.
I am painting from the spirit, from the body, and it feels so good.

I don't have to critique myself or think about what the end result will be.
Let is go - and trust your intuition as Flora suggests...


I'm not really the type to methodically plan out what I'm going to paint...although lately and for a longest time I have always had visions, and dreams of completed paintings. I usually just start applying paint and see where it takes me...

I feel like I am truly blooming... I've discovered a new process through the Bloom True E-course. The process of layering and painting without thinking and just trusting myself, is transformational.

Trusting Natalie.

Trusting that what is inside me is perfect.... is really so perfect. 

No standing back and wondering, thinking, or analyzing.
No thinking about the finished piece. The final product.
As artists we can easily get stuck in this fear, the fear that stops us.
Dead in our tracks.
What will it look like? (Finishined product fear!) What if I'm not in the mood?
What if I suck at painting today? What if people judge my style of painting?
What will the people think of it?

I was just really so exhausted the other tonight. I worked and then came home and cleaned for couple of hours. I walked the dog, and then exhausted, I thought I don't have time to paint. It was past 10pm (my bedtime)...I was exhausted and had a big day on Saturday (leaving town at 9am)!

I marched upstairs and got some painting clothes on.

I got in there (My studio... OMG?! I freakin' have an art studio?! How cool is that?!)
Hello gratitude.
I just let go and threw paint... without stopping.


Release. F L O W.

It all onto the canvas.



I clean all the brushes and climb into bed to blog, and write it down. 
I had to express the amazing-ness and tell you how good it feels to...

just let go.

I didn't even really closely look at the paintings when I was done (what a concept!)

I felt liberated.

I felt like I'd been set F R E E.

Have you ever created something and it brought you so much joy you cried?
I'm there. And it's awesome!

It's not even WHAT I created that brought me so much joy - it was the process.

Let go.
And really experience the process, without thinking about the finished product.
Don't stop.

What you need to create is already inside you,
Much Much Love,

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